Friday, August 29, 2008

Labor day Mini-camp

Ok, sorry to the people who googled violin or camp in search for something else completely irrelevant to this. On the other hand, I'm going to Bethany, WV! I'm going with a friend to this mini-camp for an youth orchestra called TRYPO (Google that). It's two days of intense training in violin/other instruments and exercise. Surprisingly, I think that it will be enjoyable. I'll be able to kill myself, and then get home and go to a really awesome block party. Hm, our schedule goes somewhat like this: Get up on Saturday (tomorrow) @ 7:00 A.M., drive a few hours, registrate, play about 3 hours, eat, play two more hours, volleyball/badmitten, eat, play 2 and a half hours, play, die. Then, on Sunday, get up around 7:20 A.M. or so, eat, play for 2 hours, eat/break, play for 1 and a half hours, eat, play 2 more hours, and out of there. Ah, such a joy...I'm going to have to figure out how to get online from there...

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

Yay! School has begun! Yes, I am so optimistic. School was actually really really boring today. So many: "Blah, blah, blah, sign this, blah, fill that out, blah, this is homework, blah, blah, blah, this school year will be enjoyable, blah, oh, and by the way, we will be very strict on you and punish you if you put half a hair out of line". Ok, I get the point: Be good, stay underneath the radar, get good grades, and survive". Seriously, we don't need any more explanations. If you claim you don't want to have us act like 3 year olds, at least stop TALKING so much...geez, I think I will never want to listen to another of those 40+ minute rules lecture. Our physics teacher is interesting...she has her moments, bless her soul. Then, lunch, yes, the dreaded cafeteria food. Our lunch ladies (and man) are a bit, er, quirky (not really going into details). Our food tastes kind of weird, and some of the food does what no food should ever be able to do (such as being able to bounce on tables, and bend to seriously wrong degrees). Also, the pie I got today was nasty. It was both hard and cold. Ick, and on the first day of school for crying out loud! I can't wait to see what else is in store for us. However, we get ice cream, the solution to every nasty little piece of food thrown at you from the lunch ladies and man. Even if it costs $.50-$1 for each ice cream, it is so worth it in the summertime. After lunch, got some more lectures, and in spanish, I got the most amount of homework I have ever received on the first day. Hooray for homework! The good thing is though, I GET TO GO TO THE LIBRARY ALMOST EVERYDAY AFTER SCHOOL!!! This is awesome considering what they have at the library (such as halo). Enjoy life the rest of you lucky little idiots :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008


School is looming closer and closer, and I don't really completely want to head back to it. Thanks to the fact that I skipped a grade in Mathematics (excuse me, GEOMETRY), I have to be in a class full of people a year older than me. However, the good thing is that I get to eat Philly cheese steaks tonight! I'm going to be traveling 7+ hours in a car to visit my brother who goes to Temple law school there. Which will be such a joy. As far as I'm updated on the Olympics, it seems that the US lost to Japan in softball, while Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh dominated the beach volleyball court. China is doing very well in diving, and in some others. If anything has changed, I don't know about it yet, but as far as I know currently, China is leading the US in gold medals, while US is leading China in the total amount of medals. I feel so much like a news reporter.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Where was I?

heh, I was strolling about the world, conquering nations along the way. nah, that's just a plan of the future. Anyways, I was actually busy with chinese cultural camp. I'll post some pictures that resulted from it later on someday. It was awesome!!!!!!! Chinese yo-yo is something no chinese kid can survive without. I mean, how many people in the world can play it and do jaw-dropping tricks? I've got to get that video of the teacher on....he is one wickedly sweet coach...I'm so going to miss him TT~TT. Also, I made a dragon out of drinking straws. It turned out to be a red and silver shrimp though. Sadly, I never will have the chance to get the picture of my alien brush-painted panda on here, since it has recently passed away from my clutches (though probably for its own good too...I haven't been able to locate any of the art creations I've put together in the past 6 months). Eh, laters.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Breaking Dawn and Heart

I just got Breaking Dawn from today (they really do have way better stuff that eBay and all those other places), and somewhat surprisingly, I finished the book in about 3 or 4 hours. The thing is, I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE (I believe you get the point) most of the last third of the book.

*late spoiler alert for those of you suckers that haven't read the book yet*

I mean, how could she be the only vampire ever to control her thirst? Plus, as many other fans have thought before me, RENEESME?!? I'm beyond pissed at this point. I do believe that Jacob's idea of Nessie is way better, and probably would be a better legal name, or even Vanessa. A really bothersome concept is how Meyer solved the whole clash. It's really stupid, I believe, that another half-breed (forgive my term) could just end the whole thing, and the Volturi would just "skip off". Another point-wth is up with Mrs.Cullen-aka Supervamp? The conclusion is wrapped up too perfectly, and I am truly disappointed in Stephanie Meyer's writing abilities I feel almost as though I just wasted a whole lot of my money on the ending. Otherwise, the book is survivably readable. Mercedes Guardian with missle-proof glass sounds good to me :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Another Friday

Hooray for all of you poor citizens of this blasted world. I'm so freakishly bored and tired today, that I'm not even bothering to shorten anything. Since yesterday's posts, I've been up to PS2's Rock Band, and Nintendo Wii's Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Around our area, Pit has been banned, though I don't understand why meta knight is allowed then. Both of them can fly, and meta knight probably is more powerful than Pit. Then, I got home around 9:30 at night after my mom dragged me around to do work. Nothing much to do today, and tomorrow brings a super fun Saturday picnic! (do you really think that I'm excited?) Oh joy. The best thing today would probably be playing halo CE...I wish I could play Xbox version...halo 3 sounds so good right now. One of these days, I've got to have my mother get me an Xbox of my own.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

So...what am I going to do?

Yes, oh joy. What am I going to do with this blog? Post pictures of myself and others, attempt to get some art stuff, perhaps videos, bore you, the unfortunate audience, with things about me, and just maybe talk about my plans for the world in the future

Hello world

Hm...the countdown for first day of school begins...with just 17 days of enjoyment left. First posting, which is always fun, so I'll tell you a bit about me :)
你好! 我叫丽莉。我今天去了牙科医生补牙齿洞。 如果你可以读这些的话,我真要佩服你。或者你就是一个STALKER!!!!

啊, 我忘记加,我平常最少也有3个stalkers在追我。

If you really want to really would like to know what on earth I just said, get your butt to google language tools and try to set the whole thing in order. Good luck!祝你好运!