Friday, August 15, 2008

Where was I?

heh, I was strolling about the world, conquering nations along the way. nah, that's just a plan of the future. Anyways, I was actually busy with chinese cultural camp. I'll post some pictures that resulted from it later on someday. It was awesome!!!!!!! Chinese yo-yo is something no chinese kid can survive without. I mean, how many people in the world can play it and do jaw-dropping tricks? I've got to get that video of the teacher on....he is one wickedly sweet coach...I'm so going to miss him TT~TT. Also, I made a dragon out of drinking straws. It turned out to be a red and silver shrimp though. Sadly, I never will have the chance to get the picture of my alien brush-painted panda on here, since it has recently passed away from my clutches (though probably for its own good too...I haven't been able to locate any of the art creations I've put together in the past 6 months). Eh, laters.


Man said...

So your not watching the Olympics?

Lily said...

So your not watching the Olympics?

Actually, I have been watching them since the opening ceremony. I just didn't mention them yet. I'm rooting for China, of course. What about you?