Wednesday, June 10, 2009

G-20 is heading to Pittsburgh

So as the world knows, President Obama announced that the G-20 Summit in September will be held in Pittsburgh, PA. WTF?! I will admit right now, I was born and bred in Pittsburgh. I learned that the word "yinz" is the plural form of "you." I also learned that "Djeatyet? Nodju?" (There are different spellings for it, but the same pronunciation) is acceptable. I still live in Pittsburgh. Again, G-20 IN PITTSBURGH?! WTF?! What has this world come to? Indeed, it's a great honor and all that crap, but seriously, consider the following:
Positives of having G-20 here:
1. Business would improve.
2. The city would be cleaned up.
3. Someone might realize that Pittsburgh is a city and still exists somewhere in the mountains and hills north of West Virginia.
Negatives of having G-20 here:
1. A torrent of weird yuppies and the like will come pouring in.
2. It will be a pain in the arse to have someone (most likely a tourist or something *cough*) walk up to you every five seconds asking for directions from point A to point B due to the excessive amount of one way signs, late-in-appearing directional signs, traffic issues, pot hole fixing, and the like.
3. Did I mention the torrent of foreign people?
4. Foreign (I mean anyone who lives outside of the outer Pittsburgh region or doesn't support the Steelers/Penguins) businesses will begin springing up in hopes of getting business in this recession, punting out the diverse and yet concetrated culture that we have right now, especially in the Strip District.
5. A whole lotta police men/military = A pain. Down there. Really bad pain.
5 and a half. With all those police men and military, how can the rest of us drive down those bloody one-way streets without hitting another car or waiting a half an hour before we can get about 2 or 3 streets down the road?
6. If too many "wanna have money" people come in, where will the rest of us go?
7. I, for one, like Pittsburgh the way it is now, though I'm not too enthusiastic about that casino.
8. Filthy rich doesn't apply to the majority of us. We are a small but happy city. We speak Pittsburghese. We sit on our porches at dusk. Some of us drink beer while sitting on our porches. We don't go to fancy-schmancy restaraunts every other day/night. We sit next to complete strangers on blankets and lawn chairs while watching the Pens game on a big screen. We burn couches when the Steelers win the Super Bowl. We get banned from putting furniture besides patio furniture outside for use due to couch burning. We are indeed a small but happy city.
Eh, it may seemed biased and all, but I am still happy that Pittsburgh is receiving such a great honor. I'm just hoping that no get-rich-quick idiot enters the bubble. Yinz are welcome, just be sure not to leave any garbage after you. Oh, and if yinz want to get a more "formal" like reading, view this place:

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